Why Running is Better Than a Boyfriend

Running let’s you let it go and ignore for days or weeks or months at a time, whenever you are burnt out or busy or whatever, but it’s always there waiting for you when you are ready to give it your full attention and time and effort again. You can just keep falling in love with it over and over again, even if it hurts you sometimes or you thought you hated it for a while. It takes time to get back to where you were, but once you do it’s even better, and it never has to stop getting better. Like, you can always work harder and improve and it’s patient and won’t give up on you however long that takes. It doesn’t care if you aren’t in the shape you use to be, or if you sweat too much, or aren’t wearing makeup, or if you need to take a break every so often to breathe, or pour your time and energy and love into the other important things in your life, maybe take up yoga for a while. Also it can’t lie to you, or cheat on you, and it always agrees with your music choices.

(May 12 2014)

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